Born :      c. 1939
Country:  Arltunga, NT (Eastern Desert).
Language:  Eastern Arrernte 
Zita is not only an important Aboriginal artist she is a prominent member of the Aboriginal human rights movement who fought for for the recognition of the ‘stolen’ generation of Aboriginal children, the many  Aboriginal mixed raced children who had been forcibly removed from their homes and their mothers. Zita was herself removed from her home and parents 100 km north of Alice Springs when she was just 8 years old and sent to Melville Island. While she has good memories of her childhood there, she was allowed no contact with her Mother or family for the next 12 years. Her mother thought her dead and it took many years even after reuniting to convince her that Zita was in fact her daughter.
She is recognised as a tireless member of the Central Australian Stolen Generations and Families Aboriginal Corporation who worked to reunite families through their linked-up service. She was among those invited to Canberra by then Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd to witness his historic apology to this generation of children.

Zita is highly regarded for her intricately detailed, spiritual depictions of women’s traditional and ceremonial lives and today paints for enjoyment at her home in Alice Springs.

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